Data protection when talking about KIT-Card
The KIT is committed to the protection of personal data. The Data Protection Act of the State of Baden Württemberg and the resulting rights of those affected are fully observed and guaranteed.
All data provided for KIT-Card will be used solely for the creation and administration of the KIT-Card. It will only be transmitted if this is absolutely necessary for the fulfilment of the task, for example to the library or the Studierendenwerk. The data may not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was collected, unless the cardholder has given his or her explicit consent.
The legal justification for the KIT-Card as a student ID card results from §12, Para. 4 of the LHG BW in connection with §12, Para. 3 of the "Admission and Matriculation Regulations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)".
When using the KIT-Card as employee ID, please refer to the relevant service agreements and resolutions of the KIT Presidium.
Data stored on and in the KIT-Card
Imprint on the Card:
Students: photo, title, firstname, name, Matrikelnr., course of studies, validity, number of the KIT-Card
As part of the "European Student Card" initiative, the matriculation number is supplemented by country codes and the "PIC (Participant Identification Code)" to form the European Student Identifier (ESI). In addition, a unique URL is applied as a QR code. This URL is used to identify the status throughout Europe. It is uniquely assigned to each KIT card for students by the ESCN (European Student Card Number) encoded in the QR code. If this is to be usable for other institutions, the KIT Card must be registered at the central server of the initiative, for which an explicit consent of the cardholder is required. For this purpose, please contact the mail address service. ∂ kit-card kit edu
Employees: photo, title, firstname, name, validity, number of the KIT-Card
Data on the Chip:
Chip-Serialno., number of the KIT-Card, statistical key ok KIT, number of purse, Access rights for time management and access systems
Chip-Seriennr : | = 4 Byte Integer | |
Ausweisnummer : | = 12-stellige fortl. Zahl m. Präfix 1580 | |
European Student Card Number: | = Number, die auch im QR-Code gespeichert ist (nur für Studierende des KIT) | |
Universitätsschlüssel : | = "1580" für das KIT | |
Uniersitätsbezeichnung: | = "" für das KIT | |
Geldbörse (Mensa) : | = Gruppe, Verwaltungsdaten, Börsennr., geheimer Schlüssel | |
Gruppe : | = Student, Mitarbeiter, Gast | |
Verwaltungsdaten : | = Betriebskennung, hier Studentenwerk Karlsruhe | |
Börsennummer : |
= 7-stellige eindeutige Zahl |
All data stored on the KIT-Card can be viewed at any time at .
More information on the KIT-Card technology.
Rights of cardholders
With regard to the data stored on the KIT-Card, you have the following rights in accordance with the Federal State Data Protection Act BW (LDSG):
- the right to information about your personal data stored (§ 21),
- the right to correction, deletion and blocking of your personal data stored (§§ 22 to 24),
- the right to information from the register of procedures (§ 11 para. 4),
- the objection of an interest worthy of protection and justified in your personal situation with regard to the processing of your data (§ 4 para. 6),
- the right to damages (§ 25),
- the right to appeal to the State Commissioner for Data Protection (§ 27).
You can assert your rights under sections 1-5 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT):
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany