European Student Card
For students, the KIT Card is also valid as a KIT student ID.
In addition, the KIT Cards for students are equipped with the features of the "European Student Card (ESC)":
- QR code
The stored URL contains the EU-wide unique number, the "European Student Card Number". In a later expansion stage, students will be able to register at a portal, enabling authorized institutions to determine the validity of the ESC using this URL. - Hologram to increase forgery protection
The URL of the QR code looks like this:
The character string after the last "/" is called "European Student Card Number (ESCN)" and is assigned to each ESC as a unique identifier. This number must be registered with the ESC router together with your KIT mail address and the ESI. Only then the URL becomes valid and usable. For data protection reasons, this notification at KIT is not automatic, but must be released by the cardholder.
Click here to register the ESC
In case of activation of the function, the following data will be transmitted by KIT:
- European Student Identifier (ESI)
Scheme of the ESI:<useraccount> - European Student Card Number (ESCN)
- Your mail address: <useraccount>
- Expiration date of the card
For more information, please visit the European Student Card page.